IFSS Food Protection Professional NCS
Basic Core
Description: Introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to controlling disease transmission between people, animals and plants.
Topic Areas:
Description: Practices intended to prevent and/or control infectious disease related to agricultural animals and plants.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss practices intended to prevent and/or control infectious disease related to agricultural animals and plants.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Define relevant terminology.
2. Identify agencies with authority to enforce biosecurity regulations.
3. Give examples of potential diseases specific to different types of operations.
4. Describe basic elements of biosecurity plans used by operations.
5. Discuss the impact of biosecurity breaches.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Transmission of diseases between humans, agricultural animals, and plants.
Terminal Competency: Discuss transmission of diseases between humans, agricultural animals, and plants.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Discuss modes/paths of disease transmission.
2. Explain how a human can act as a vector.
3. Discuss the concept of transmission rates.
4. Identify areas within operations of concern for disease transmission.
5. Discuss how imports may transmit disease.
6. Discuss the transmission of zoonotic diseases.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Methods that prevent and/or control diseases related to the interactions of people with agricultural animals and plant
Terminal Competency:
Identify prevention methods that prevent and/or control diseases related to the interactions of people with agricultural animals and plants.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Identify appropriate PPE to prevent and/or control disease transmission.
2. Describe proper donning and doffing of PPE to prevent and/or control disease transmission.
3. Explain strategies/methods that prevent and/or control disease transmission.
4. Identify quarantine areas.
5. Describe quarantine area protocols.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Methods used to prevent and/or control disease transmission related to the interactions of people with agricultural animals and plants.
Terminal Competency:
Explain sanitation methods as related to biosecurity.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain pre-inspection planning and preparation prior to visiting an operation.
2. Identify equipment that require sanitizing after visiting an operation.
3. Identify effective cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection procedures and practices.
4. Discuss the importance of uses and dosages of sanitizing products.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Policies aimed at preventing and/or controlling the transmission of infectious disease.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss policies aimed at preventing and/or controlling the transmission of infectious disease.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain regulatory agency biosecurity policies.
2. Describe regulatory agency biosecurity plans.
3. Explain biosecurity plans implemented by firms.
4. Explain agency policies for communicating breaches.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Learning Resources:
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