IFSS Food Protection Professional NCS
Basic Core
Food/Feed Defense
Description: Introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the reduction of intentional contamination of the feed or food supply.
Topic Areas:
Description: Defending the feed and food supply against intentional adulteration.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss defending the feed and food supply against intentional adulteration.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Define relevant terminology.
2. Differentiate between intentional and unintentional adulteration.
3. Explain the impacts of intentional adulteration of feed and food.
4. Identify types of aggressors.
5. Give examples of high-profile cases of intentional adulteration.
6. Give examples of strategies for defense against intentional adulteration.
7. Explain basic requirements of Bioterrorism Act.
8. Discuss the implications of FSMA on feed and food defense.
9. Identify legal parameters for a food defense plan.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Procedures to prevent or reduce operational vulnerabilities in the feed and food supply chain.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss the prevention or reduction of operational vulnerabilities in the feed and food supply chain.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain the importance of a food defense plan.
2. Describe the components of a food defense plan.
3. Recognize the sampling protocols used to determine the scale of an intentional adulteration incident when intentional adulteration is suspected.
4. Discuss examples of containment.
5. Discuss importance of including traceability into the defense plan.
6.Give examples of items needed in a recovery plan.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Measures to protect against intentional adulteration.
Terminal Competency: Discuss measures to protect against intentional adulteration.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Identify evidence of tampering/intentional adulteration.
2. Discuss observations related to the firm’s product control measures with stakeholders.
3. Describe common vulnerabilities for feed and food.
4. Explain the importance of security in feed and food defense.
5. Explain security requirements that feed and food stakeholders must observe.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in feed and food defense.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in feed and food defense.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Discuss stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities in protecting feed and food from adulteration.
2. Discuss firm’s responsibility for developing and implementing a food defense plan.
3. Explain agencies’ authority over feed and food defense.
4. Give examples of feed contamination sources.
5. Discuss agency enforcement actions.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Strategies taken by stakeholders when an intentional adulteration is discovered.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss strategies taken by stakeholders when an intentional adulteration is discovered.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain mitigation strategies that may be used during a response to an intentional adulteration incident.
2. List the typical stakeholders involved in an intentional adulteration incident.
3. Give examples of agency protocol during a response to an intentional adulteration incident.
4. Recognize agency sampling protocols.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Learning Resources:
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