2021 FMI Food Safety Innovation Award

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Call for Nominations!

The FMI Food Safety Innovation Award presented annually in conjunction with the International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) to a company or organization for demonstrating a commitment to the advancement of food protection through performance, practice, creation, sustainment, or leadership.

Submit your nomination to Hilary Thesmar no later than Friday, November 13, 2020


  • The nominee must be a retail, wholesale or food company engaged in food production, packing, manufacturing, distribution, retailing, or wholesaling.  Nominees may also be regulatory agencies of such retail, wholesale or food companies at the local, tribal, state or federal level.  

  • The company or organization must have a demonstrable record of high standards and professional commitment to food safety.

  • Nominee may be considered every year for the same, non-awarded innovation.

  • Self-nomination is acceptable.

Nominations must provide the following specific information in 500 words or less.  Note: Nominations exceeding 500 words will not be considered.  

  1. The name of the company or organization, responsible person, title, and contact information.

  2. The innovation: a new idea; an implemented practice, program, or process; or example of leadership that promotes or improves food safety in the food industry. Provide a thorough description of the innovation, an explanation of benefit or impact, how the innovation is used or applied, and perspective or context that explains its significance, recognition within the community, or adoption by others.

Submitting Nominations
Nominations may be submitted electronically to, Hilary Thesmar no later than Friday, November 13, 2020. 

Submission Review
An independent peer-review committee has been formed to assess nominations and score nominees. The committee may ask follow-up questions of the nominee for clarification and may verify the provided information, if necessary.

Award Presentation
The award recipient will be announced in January 2021.

FMI and IFPTI will recognize the awardee through communication channels including websites and press release. The awardee may advertise/announce receipt of the award appropriately using their own channels as well.

Additional information about the award can be found in the nomination form.  If you have any questions, please contact Hilary Thesmar.

Nomination deadline is November 13, 2020.


Thank you Joe Corby!


Updated IFSS Basic Level Course: Personal Safety