Applying Extended Reality to Food Safety: Augmented Reality

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In the previous months, we have defined and discussed the possible applications for virtual reality in food safety. This month we will discuss a different type of extended reality: augmented reality (AR). In contrast to VR, AR allows the user to maintain visualization of the real-world environment, while enhancing that environment by adding visual or other sensory elements through the device. This technology can be implemented through a wide range of digital devices including smartphones, tablets, wearable headsets, or glasses.

A famous example of AR technology was the Pokémon Go application that was popular in late 2016 and into 2017. In this AR-based game, users walked around holding up their mobile device, which utilized the camera on the device to imprint digital images of characters at different locations that they could train or fight against. Although the popularity of this game has since fizzled out, many other applications using AR technology have been developed for purposes outside of gaming. Many of these applications, as well as the new devices that have been recently launched, have a strong potential to impact the way we educate food safety professionals. Additionally, AR devices may be able to be used on the job in various areas of food safety to enhance the performance and improve the quality assurance process.

Next month, we will further explore these possible applications of AR in the food safety industry.


Catching Up with Angela Montalbano


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