Accepting Applications: Quality Assurance Managers from Packinghouses and Processing Plants In Nebraska
IFPTI is now accepting applications from Nebraska Quality Assurance (QA) Managers from specialty crop packinghouses and processing plants to be enrolled in the Listeria Control Specialist Certificate Program.
IFPTI has been awarded a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant titled “Creating Listeria Control Specialists in Nebraska Packinghouses and Processing Plants”. In collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Nebraska commodity groups, Quality Assurance (QA) Managers from packinghouses and processing plants in Nebraska will be enrolled into the Listeria Control Specialist Certificate Program. Those who complete the certificate program will be formally recognized as the “go to” person for helping control the presence of Listeria monocytogenes within their food processing and packing facilities. IFPTI will also evaluate the impact of training on the safety of Nebraska’s food facilities.
The goal of the project will be to create a cadre of Listeria Control Specialists throughout the state to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in Nebraska through increased understanding of the of threats to food safety from microbial hazards. The Listeria Control Specialist Certificate Program run by IFPTI was developed by experts from the American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI). AFFI leads the Alliance for Listeriosis Prevention, which promotes food safety practices that minimize the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in food products. Individuals will earn a Listeria Control Specialist Certificate by successfully completing five distinct online courses. Success of the program will be measured over the two year duration of the project.