Train-the-Trainer course for the Egypt National Food Safety Authority


Over a week-long period in early July, IFPTI completed a Train-the-Trainer course for the Egypt National Food Safety Authority.  The course was based on FDA’s required course for regulators in the US – FD 215 Food Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Application, and Evidence Development.  IFPTI worked with Egypt officials and the TAIB office (under an FAS grant) to contextualize the course which was delivered remotely to 15 NFSA instructors located in Cairo.  NFSA is continually growing its ranks of inspectors going from about 40 to over 1,000 in the last two years and expecting to reach 2,000 shortly!


IFPTI was excited to offer the Room to Zoom seminar for the U. S. Food & Drug Administration


Catching Up with Jessica Badour