Train-the-Trainer Risk-Based Inspection Methods at Retail course for Egypt National Food Safety Authority

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IFPTI completed a Train-the-Trainer course for 15 instructors at NFSA on September 26-30th.  Lead instructors Carolina Schaffer and Cathy Martin taught virtually (from 2am-8am Eastern time each day).  The course was based on FDA’s FD218 Risk-Based Inspection Methods at Retail.  We worked with Egypt officials and the TAIB office to modify the course for their context and then our instructors delivered the course virtually to the 15 NFSA instructors who were gathered in classrooms in Cairo.  NFSA is continually growing its ranks of inspectors going from about 40 to over 1,500 in the last two years, on the way to 2,000.  Additionally, the instructors were able to provide feedback to NFSA at their request while using the newly developed NFSA Observation Checklist to assess Active Managerial Control at each retail inspection during the delivery of the training course.


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