RLTS Updates

IFPTI has been facilitating multiple activities related to the National Curriculum Standard (NCS), which outlines the competencies needed by regulatory professionals throughout their careers. There is an NCS for Human and Animal Food Regulatory Professionals, and an NCS for Laboratory Professionals. Together, these form the foundation of the FDA’s Regulatory and Laboratory Training System (RLTS).

  • A group of Regulatory SMEs is reviewing and updating the Basic Core (“Gen Eds”) content areas, and should complete this endeavor by mid-2025.

  • A group of Laboratory SMEs is reviewing and updating the Entry Core content areas, and should finish their review by mid-2025.

  • An Imports Program Area is being added to the NCS, and a group of SMEs is building out a competency standard for content areas at the Basic and Advanced Levels. The Imports competency standard should be completed by mid-2025.

  • Competency standards for the Management Level and Stewardship Level have been drafted, and are undergoing a validation process.


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When Budgets Tight, Training Often Gets Cut - But It’s the Solution We Can’t Afford to Lose