East Africa
IFPTI instructors facilitated a training program in Kampala, Uganda with the delivery of a week-long instructor course on Inspection and Investigation Techniques. Four countries (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda) sent five government food safety instructors each to Kampala to participate in the culmination of the program. One hundred food regulators from the four countries completed 25 online courses on IFPTI’s learning portal and then participated in two, three-day virtual instructor-led (vILT) courses before the instructors were selected. Armed with the skill and knowledge obtained during the program, the four countries will now be able to train inspectors in inspection and investigation techniques within the context of their countries’ food laws and regulations.
The training program was made possible by the Land O’Lakes Venture 37 TRASE project with support from the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service’s Food for Progress program. Through the efforts of the TRASE project, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) system capacity is being built among the East Africa Community’s (EAC) Partner States and agribusinesses with the goal of easing SPS related trade barriers regionally and internationally, thus opening the door to new trade and opportunity in agriculture.