IFSS Food Protection Professional NCS
Basic Core
Description: Introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to ethics, integrity, and personal conduct during job-related activities.
Topic Areas:
Description: Base knowledge of professionalism related to feed and food programs.
Terminal Competency:
Explain professionalism.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Define relevant terminology.
2. Give examples of professional and unprofessional behavior.
3. Explain the legal principles of professionalism.
4. Explain moral principles of professionalism.
5. Discuss the concept of the “perception of impropriety”.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Core knowledge of professional conduct that elicits trust and demonstrates integrity.
Terminal Competency: Discuss the principles of business and personal integrity within the work environment.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain the importance of an agency code of conduct.
2. Discuss the components of a code of conduct.
3. Explain confidentiality.
4. Give examples of conflict of interest.
5. Discuss the purpose of ethical behavior in a work environment.
6. Give examples of ethical and unethical behavior.
7. Explain the organization’s values.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Expectations of personal behaviors.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss the profession’s expectations of behavior.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.
2. Give examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.
3. Differentiate between objective and subjective behavior.
4. Give examples of objective and subjective behavior.
5. Differentiate between bias and unbiased behaviors.
6. Identify societal customary behavior appropriate for the workplace.
7. Explain the importance of recognizing differences in workplace customs.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: The individual’s responsibility for their actions and behaviors.
Terminal Competency:
Discuss the impact of subjective personal behaviors in the workplace.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain subjective personal behavior.
2. Give examples of subjective personal behaviors.
3. Recognize the need to modify subjective personal behaviors.
4. Identify resources to address negative subjective personal behaviors.
5. Explain the importance of being accountable for actions.
6. Identify the components to manage time in the workplace.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Description: Disseminating, receiving, or exchanging information with other individuals in a clear, concise, factual, and courteous manner.
Terminal Competency:
Employ professional communication skills while conducting work-related activities.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain professional communication skills.
2. Explain the importance of communicating in a clear, concise, factual, and courteous manner.
3. Give examples of communicating in a clear, concise, factual, and courteous manner in the workplace.
4. Give examples of unprofessional communications.
5. Determine the appropriate communication method for target audience.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
The skills needed to positively interact with coworkers, stakeholders, or other individuals.
Terminal Competency:
Employ interpersonal skills while conducting work-related activities.
Enabling Competencies:
1. Explain interpersonal skills.
2. Give examples of interpersonal skills.
3. Discuss the importance of interpersonal skills.
To see a set of behavioral anchors, which provide further detail about the enabling competencies and can be used for assessment against the enabling competencies, contact IFPTI.
Learning Resources:
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