Applying Extended Reality to Food Safety: Applications in the Food Safety Industry

Last month we defined augmented reality (AR), provided some various examples, and discussed the potential impact this technology can have in food safety. This month we will discuss some of the potential applications of AR in food safety. In fact, AR is already being used in various areas of food safety to improve training and enhance on-the-job performance. We will focus on these two areas of application this month.

AR is being used in multiple industries (including some areas of food safety) to enhance training on the job. AR headsets often have the ability to read the user’s environment, including barcodes and labels. This information can be used to bring up information that can guide the user through troubleshooting steps or provide other educational information to help train employees. Through this feature of AR, previously trained employees can also benefit from access to troubleshooting manuals and other forms of guidance to improve their performance on the job. Additionally, some AR headsets have the ability to perform a remote video assistance. This feature allows a person from a remote location to access the camera on the outside of the AR headset and essentially gain access to the user’s point of view. Users of the headset can be walked through a series of steps with consultation of an expert at a different location. Some organizations have even developed artificial intelligence programs that can monitor the actions of food safety professionals and help prevent error.

The applications for AR in food safety are virtually (pun intended) limitless. Next month, we will introduce mixed reality and discuss some ways it can be applied in food safety.


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