Catching Up with Fellow Matt Colson

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IFPTI recently caught up with Matt Colson, a member of IFPTI Fellowship Cohort IV and auditor with the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs, Office of Human and Animal and Food Operations. Matt elaborated on how the program has proven to have a positive and lasting impact.

“I would say that the biggest thing the Fellowship did for me as far as career advancement is the stage it provided for me to conduct and present my research project. I was able to focus my research on a topic that really helped my program at FDACS improve. Also, when I presented my research at the AFDO conference, FDA leadership had a lot of interest in it and asked some great questions. The platform of being able to present at AFDO was a great opportunity to connect with others in the field of food safety, and the Fellowship program provided some great exposure and networking opportunities for me that certainly helped me get to where I am today.”


Catching Up with Courtney Mickiewicz


Congratulations Cohort IX!!