FMI Food Safety Innovation Award

FMI Innovation Award FMI and IFPTI logo.png

The FMI Food Safety Innovation Award presented annually in conjunction with IFPTI to a company, organization or regulatory agency for demonstrating a commitment to the advancement of food protection through performance, practice, creation, sustainment or leadership.

The purpose of this annual award is to recognize companies, organizations or regulatory agencies that have made an innovative contribution or commitment to food safety and to encourage others in the industry, government, and academia to search for creative solutions and implement new practices in continuing to keep our food the safest it can be.

FMI promotes the importance of food safety practices throughout the supply chain in assuring the health of consumers. The food industry is entrusted to provide consumers safe products and consumers play a major role in food safety as well. To keep food safety awareness and practice consistently high, FMI awards innovation throughout the supply chain as a way to advance best practices and increase consumer confidence.

Qualifications for nominees:

  • The nominee must be a retail, wholesale or food company engaged in food production, packing, manufacturing, distribution, retailing, or wholesaling or a regulatory agency of such retail, wholesale or food companies at the local, tribal, state or federal level.

  • The company, organization or regulatory agency must have a demonstrable record of high standards and professional commitment to food safety.

  • Nominees who submitted innovations in previous years but were not awarded remain eligible and may resubmit innovation.

  • Previous recipients of the Food Safety Innovation Award may submit nominations for new innovations.

  • FMI membership is not required for participation.

  • Self-nomination is acceptable.

An independent peer-review committee has been formed to assess nominations and score nominees. The committee may ask follow-up questions of the nominee for clarification and may verify the provided information, if necessary.

Nominations may be submitted electronically to:

Nomination deadline is December 1, 2021.

The award recipient will be announced in January 2022.

FMI and IFPTI will recognize the awardee through communication channels including social media, websites and press release. The awardee may advertise/ announce receipt of the award appropriately using their own channels as well.


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