RLTS Steering Committee Updates
The RLTS Steering Committee met last week at the offices of APHL in Bethesda, MD. The Steering Committee is made up of representatives from ten associations, FDA, USDA, CDC, and IFPTI. The meeting was kicked off with words of encouragement from FDA leaders including Jim Jones, Erik Mettler, Mick Dutcher, and Brooke Mullican.
Agenda items included work on the business model, finalization of the quality standards and SOPs, communication planning, regulatory Standards #2 update, quality and competency standards review processes, and LMS subcommittee updates. During the meeting, the Steering Committee developed phased roll out plans. Notably, a proof-of-concept pilot was designed for Phase One to test the compliance review of FDA learning resources that align with the competency pathways of a selected cohort. Phase Two will involve a feasibility study design for revenue generation models of the public-private partnership. Timelines and communication strategies were included in the pilot plan.