Preventive Systems
The Preventive Systems bundle includes HACCP and Preventive Controls. Both courses are developed with FDA to align to the IFSS basic level and are online, self-paced courses. Here is a brief description of each course (click on title for more information):
The IFSS Basic Level HACCP course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system.
Participants will be able the principles of HACCP.
Scope: Topics in this course include Foundations, Principles of HACCP, Prerequisite Programs, and Preliminary Steps in the Development of a HACCP Plan.
Preventive Controls
This IFSS Basic Level Preventive Controls course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to measures implemented by feed and food manufacturing facilities to ensure feed and food safety.
Goal: The student will be able to describe the principles of preventive controls.
Scope: Topics covered in this course include foundations, food safety plans, hazard analysis, monitoring preventive control programs, corrective action plans, verification procedures, recordkeeping.
The Preventive Systems bundle includes HACCP and Preventive Controls. Both courses are developed with FDA to align to the IFSS basic level and are online, self-paced courses. Here is a brief description of each course (click on title for more information):
The IFSS Basic Level HACCP course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system.
Participants will be able the principles of HACCP.
Scope: Topics in this course include Foundations, Principles of HACCP, Prerequisite Programs, and Preliminary Steps in the Development of a HACCP Plan.
Preventive Controls
This IFSS Basic Level Preventive Controls course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to measures implemented by feed and food manufacturing facilities to ensure feed and food safety.
Goal: The student will be able to describe the principles of preventive controls.
Scope: Topics covered in this course include foundations, food safety plans, hazard analysis, monitoring preventive control programs, corrective action plans, verification procedures, recordkeeping.
The Preventive Systems bundle includes HACCP and Preventive Controls. Both courses are developed with FDA to align to the IFSS basic level and are online, self-paced courses. Here is a brief description of each course (click on title for more information):
The IFSS Basic Level HACCP course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system.
Participants will be able the principles of HACCP.
Scope: Topics in this course include Foundations, Principles of HACCP, Prerequisite Programs, and Preliminary Steps in the Development of a HACCP Plan.
Preventive Controls
This IFSS Basic Level Preventive Controls course provides introductory knowledge, skills, and abilities related to measures implemented by feed and food manufacturing facilities to ensure feed and food safety.
Goal: The student will be able to describe the principles of preventive controls.
Scope: Topics covered in this course include foundations, food safety plans, hazard analysis, monitoring preventive control programs, corrective action plans, verification procedures, recordkeeping.